This could be a boring post. But that's ok. It's ok because I feel pretty good about where things are at currently. I ran 8 miles on Sunday and even though it wasn't as noticeably great as the 7 from last week, I ran it and that was good. I went to yoga on Saturday morning and had the kind of class that I think they want you to have every time. I was relaxed and tried my best but did what my body was able to do. And I focused on my breathing like they keep reminding you to do. I really enjoyed the experience.
I napped, cleaned up just a little - the dishes still aren't done, went to the state fair, went for a pontoon ride on the mighty Mississip., held a darling baby, went for a walk around the lake and started to prep a room for painting. I would say my mood all weekend and into this week is simply content. I'm not feeling behind or rushed or anything. I'd like to hang on to this feeling. It's good.
The Republican National Convention is in town for the weekend/week and even though I'm not a republican it's kind of A Big Deal. We went to a restaurant on the river in St. Paul on Friday night and saw all of the preparations and security and national news tents. It was pretty cool. At this point I would like to pull out this high horse I keep in the closet and say some things.
I think it is totally absurd that Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy is being sprawled all over every network and analyzed and scrutinized all over the country. I mean that poor girl. I feel so badly for her. One day she is just another pregnant teen and the next she is national news! Who cares! The other thing is that I'm not sure I agree with the choice that Governor Palin is making. She has a 4 month old son who is down syndrome (and only mentioning this because he will require more care/attention than a baby without downs) another young daughter, and a pregnant daughter. As a mother (that I am not) I'm not sure this would be the choice I would make not quite knowing how many hours she will have to put in campaigning but assuming it will be A LOT. If it was a man in her would I feel differently? I think so..... and that really surprises me to say because I consider myself to be more of the liberal type when it comes to feminism and gender and the like. But I don't wear combat boots :) Anyway, I find her intriguing. An obvious strategic move by McCain who I still won't be voting for, but I would like to hear more from this Palin. I would like to learn more about her. It will be interesting to see how the campaign progresses.
The democrat in me says it's all show. The republican in me says it's all strategic. The mom in me says you can't do it. The feminist in me says shatter that damn glass ceiling.
I too am torn :)
That sounds like an awesome weekend!
I love gohrfam's comment! Well said.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. It make me feel a lot better: "You are working on it and haven't quit yet". I hadn't thought of it that way. All I can focus on are all the things I'm NOT doing that I should be doing. Ya know? Anyway, I appreciate your support. :)
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