Sunday, September 12, 2010

End of Season Report

And my running season has officially ended with the Blubber Run 5k. Not much of a running season really, but none the less there are no more races for 2010. I ran for maybe 10 minutes tops and not all at once even during the 5k. Which made me REALLY glad that I didn't attempt the duathlon a few weeks back.

That was really hard, not doing the duathlon. Especially since it was an expensive race and I went to pick up my packet with my husband anyway just to get the spoils. You feel the excitement and see all of the prepared athletes and just want to be a part of it; knowing that I could have been part of it, that I once was part of it. It was tough. But after the 5k yesterday I know there is no way it would have been a fun or good event for me. Good choice; albeit difficult.

Walking has been good. I haven't been to the aqua aerobics class since that first time. Just letting other things get in the way I guess, but I intend to go back. Everything is going great with the baby. We had our ultra sound and we're still on for end of January; ready or not. Pregnancy has been a good time and a learning experience, not just about babies and such, but about myself as well.

In my opinion balance is the key to life. (I know I changed the subject but stay with me - it's relevant) You take the good, you take the bad. You take em both and there you have.....What I'm saying is dealing with the bad helps you really appreciate the good. When I am working the right amount, exercising the right amount, cleaning the house the right amount and doing other fun things I enjoy the right amount, etc. life is better. And pregnancy is sort of like having a bye-week for a few months to understand how the diet and exercise components fit in. No you can't be a sloth and eat crap (that's not balance) but you let yourself indulge more and relax more about diet and exercise. Which makes me remember when I could push myself and challenge my body without worrying about the effects on another being. I think about how good that will feel again in 6-9 months to do again. But I can't always be focused on that because then I'd miss out on the fun things now. So it's balance. You get off a specific plan - rearrange things a bit so you remember why you liked to do the things you did.

Because I'm letting my diet go - something I've always pretended to try and do - I'm actually getting to the point where I don't want ice cream sometimes. Or french fries. I can eat a salad and think, no I just want this salad. Even free food has little appeal when I'm not in the mood for it. Maybe there is something to the whole listening to your body thing, I've just never trusted myself long enough to indulge sans guilt believing in myself I would level off.

Which gets me to a whole other topic. I've decided the best way to teach is by example. I should be everything I want my children to be and secondly correct their behavior when they go astray. So how do I teach them emotionless eating and exercising for enjoyment when I still don't have those things figured out yet. Maybe my kids will help me be a better person because I'll try harder for them. Men (my husband in particular) has never had these issues. He eats fruits and veggies because it keeps him healthy and fit. Simple as that. No - I don't feeeeeeel like an apple, I want a cookie. He just does it. What a concept. What happens that men grow up without the emotional baggage that women have? And how do I get my kids to be like that?

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