Friday, October 16, 2009

On my mind today

You know what hard? Consistency.

Consistency is what makes a good person great. It's a defining line between amateur and professional. Think of where you would be if you just took one thing and made a consistent effort at it.

I'm just saying. If I build one bookshelf, they don't call me a carpenter. I don't hit the driving range once and declare myself a great golpher.

Commitment. I can commit. I got married didn't I? I committed to training and running a marathon. I am committed to doing my job to the best of my ability. I need to commit to consistency. I'm hitting a post-marathon slump. Where I want to ride the rest of the year out in gluttony and laziness. But I haven't fully succumbed to that fate and I'll fight it to the death. My brain is still actively fighting the voice of the quitter and the enticement of McDonalds french fries (even though they are playing Monopoly at McDonalds and I LOVE McDonalds monopoly season).

Just some random ramblings on a Friday afternoon. Sunday, I am running the Des Moines 1/2 Marathon. My left knee has been hurting; think it needs more rest. But that causes my right quad to pull double duty to compensate for the lack of weight I put on my left knee and also causes my left hip to ache because instead of a normal step I push my hip out to take the impact that the knee complains about. Suck it up, Left Knee! We're doing this and we aren't out of the woods yet!


Anonymous said...

Have a great 1/2 and a great weekend! Lots of love to you and your left knee. GS.

Chad said...
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Chad said...

Consistency is what my college coach would preach all the time. Not that you have to run everyday, and not that a nice week or two break at the end of the season isn't good. You just can't take the entire winter off and hope to stay in shape.

Good luck at Des Moines. Then it sounds like it's time for your end of season break. Then you can ramp up in November. Of course the darkness and cold don't help - but that's why we're so effing tough! You can do it.

Tracy said...

I totally understand! I only ran the 10-mile and I can feel laziness and gluttony setting in for the winter. Of course if it hadn't snowed this week, I may have run.

You are dedicated! You're going to Des Moines, doing the race, and will feel so good when you are done! Good luck!