Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bring on Fall

I love that I live in a location where the seasons change. There are new things to look forward to with every year. A change in wardrobe, a change in scenery, a change in fresh foods, a change in activities.

In the Fall, I look forward to the changing leaves, fires, sweatshirts, running/walking outside in good weather, squash and apple pie, football...

SIDE NOTE: Before anyone calls foul on me for that one, yes I am not a big football fan. But I like what football season means and that is hanging out with friends during the game, the food, Sunday's being lazy and laying on the couch, fantasy football with friends and tailgating. If I happen to catch some of the game during that, we llthen bonus.

But what I really look forward to most has just arrived!!!

My two favorite fall companion guides

The Old Testament and The New Testament otherwise known as Vogue and Lucky.

I was a subscriber to Vogue for over 10 years through high school, college and beyond. Then I let it pass deciding that I could get by on the Spring and Fall issues alone. When Lucky came out it was the perfect balance of wearable, somewhat sensibly priced (better than Vogue anyway), easy to find fashion. I've kind of been off magazines in general for a while because I feel they are too predictable and too frequent for my lifestyle. But I can still enjoy a good read like these twice a year!

I usually take 2-4 hours thumbing through EVERY SINGLE PAGE making notes, ripping out pages, using the handy-dandy "YES" and "MAYBE" stickers provided by Lucky for items that I want, nay, NEED to add to my wardrobe for the next season. This year is all fanciful dreaming since none of that stuff is going to fit. But maybe I can fandangle a few ideas into some cute maternity outfits.

Either way I can't wait until this weekend when it will just be me, the magazines and hope for a wonderful fall season.

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Wardrobe

I'm wearing my first pair of maternity pants today. I must say they are mighty comfortable. I balked for YEARS at elastic waistbands when I was struggling with my weight. But with my regular clothes getting snugger and so uncomfortable, I put on a pair of high waisted maternity pants and it's pure BLISS!!! I even wondered why I didn't wear pants like this all the time! These are my turkey eating pants.

I think the pants make me look farther along than I am so I'm posting a "regular clothes" picture for comparison. I'm just past 4 months.

I might not have been running much lately, but that hasn't stopped my running gear shopping! I bought this neon green Nike shirt that I once saw someone wearing and wanted for my own. I couldn't pass it up even if I don't need it at the moment. It's not like I bought a new pair of shoes. I've already planned my triumphant return to running next year though (for which I will need gear). I'm going to sign up for the Women's Running Camp through MDRA this April. This was the first running group I was ever with and I loved it. I thought the begging running group would be perfect for me to get back into the swing of things.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

cha-cha-cha-cha-cha Changes

I've been blogger-absent for a while. Things have changed. MY HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!

Priorities. Lifestyle. Interests and hobbies.
Running has come to a scrrrreeeeecching halt. Which in a way has opened up my life for more things. Like cooking and cleaning and evenings.
I guess I should get to the changes right away:

1. I'm pregnant. Thus the screeching halt to the running. My doctor told me not to. No - that's a lie. I always envisioned myself at the pinnacle of my running career, getting pregnant and then parlaying that into an awesome pregnant running career where I could brag to other runners as I passed by that there is a "Baby on Board" with a big old belly and a smile. But who am I kidding. I've never passed anyone. That's probably the biggest flaw in my dream. Seriously though, I was in no condition to start up running again after I hadn't been running before getting pregnant.

I ran the Lumberjack 5K in Stillwater on July 25th; I was 13 weeks. Busted my butt to finish in 39 minutes. It was pretty enjoyable though. Felt good to be running. Until the end when I thought I could make one last push to cross the finish line. I can't explain it but it's not the same. My "push" at the end took a lot out of me. It was all just a lot harder than I remember. I'm opting out of the Minneapolis Duathlon at the end of August. I can't remember the last time I worked out for 2+ hours. I don't think I will start now.
So running is on hold, but I'm enjoying walking, swimming laps and I even took a water aerobics class! It was a little strange that Louie the 85 yo water aerobic veteran was helping me out, but the folks are nice and I felt comfortable in the water and felt it was a good workout for me.

2. I'm taking piano lessons in September. This I am SUPER-DE-DUPER excited for. Going to start with 1/2 hour lessons once a week. I played for years until I graduated high school. Now that I'm an adult, and paying for my own lessons (sorry mom and dad) I feel more serious about it in a way; more focused.

3. I'm cooking more and more. I started getting into Indian dishes. This was my best creation. It was some kind of peanutty chicken with rice and lentils and chapati bread. Very good. For Christmas I got a subscription to Cook's Illustrated. I can't tell you how much I love this magazine. Each recipe is a 2 page spread that talks about how and why the recipe was developed to get it just perfect. It's all the mechanics of a recipe which I love because I am much more of a direction following, if this then that, in the box type chef. I'm not the creative one who just "knows" what happens when you beat an egg white before adding it to the recipe and maybe I'll throw this in to give a pop of texture. I like to read the science behind it all.

4. Now that I've been thinking baby, I'm thinking CLEAN HOUSE. I can't have a toddler looking like a French lady with hairy legs because they've been crawling around the house picking up all the dog hair. It's going to have to be an everyday process that I'm still trying to figure out how to fit it all in. I used to just do a vacuum on the weekends with every other weekend being a move-the-furniture vacuum. The Swiffer vacuum thing is my new best friend though as I'm using that daily and still vacuuming on the weekends. I'll probably go psycho on the cleaning in about 3 months when the "nesting" sets in. Who knows.

So it's on to new endeavors! I'm looking forward to blogging about fitness other than running, and hobbies other than dieting!